Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone is enjoying the nice holiday weekend and this weather!
Today Mom, Sean, and myself went black friday shopping.
Thats right! We were up at 3:30AM to start off the day.
Mom had a great time and we carried on the tradition!!!
She did fine throughout the day, but if she started to wander off we had to grab her because she couldn't hear us if we called/yelled out her name.
Tomorrow morning Mom and Dad are going to go watch the Golden Flyers 5&10 mile race (since she had signed up prior to the accident).
Then tomorrow--up goes the tree, out come the decorations, and CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE!

Happy Thanksgiving Holidays!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Evening

I apoligize for not posting sooner.
Mom has improved so much over the week. She physically looks better-- the swelling on her face has gone down and her eye is getting less and less bruised. She can walk pretty much by her self around the house.
She still has substantial hearing loss in her right ear and her right eye is still not back to 100%. Her memory is also getting better.
The physical therapist came by on Thursday morning and helped mom to move around.
Tuesday, Mom should be going to her Primary Care Physician to get checked out and is also going to a plastic surgeon so he can take a look at her face.
Dad is setting up appointments with Ophthalmologists & Neurologists.
It should take about 30 days for the pressure on the brain to go away and blood from her brain to drain out which means, in 30 days she should be able to hear out of her right ear and see completely out of her right eye. And also should not be having memory problems.

Mom has made jokes that she may be joining me still for Black Friday shopping. HA! We will see!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday Morning

This morning I've been helping mom around the house. She is having some trouble walking--she gets dizzy and moves slowly--and still cannot see to well out of her right eye. It is swollen and bruised. She can't really hear out of her right ear either.
She is also having some memory problems but she will be getting better over the next few weeks.
The physical therapists and occupational therapists will be coming this afternoon to practice walking and move her around.
Mom mostly just wants to rest.
This will be a long slow recovery...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday Midday

Mom and Dad are in the car on their way home from the hospital in New Orleans!

Wednesday Lunch

I just got off the phone with Dad and he said that it is very slow at the hospital and it will likely be sometime in the afternoon when Mom gets discharged.
The good news is that Mom will be coming home today!

Wednesday Morning

Email from Dad this morning:
"The first trauma doc came by to see if she had any issues during the night. Since she didn't, he feels she should be able to go home today. The Team will make the final assessment this morning and let us know. He also said that in home occupational and physical therapy orders can be written. We are ready to be home with our family and for me a bed rather than an old vinyl recliner.  Our prayers have been answered. Thanks to everyone!"

I am really hoping that I can see her this afternoon/night! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday Night

Email from dad:
"The Eye Doctor came by to say that when she dilated the eyes the optic nerve and all other internal components looked good with NO damage and no internal pressure. Thank God as I was worried with her double vision. The right eye will not turn very far to the right probably due to swelling. It should heal ok.  Susan has complained about the head pain and the percocet has not helped much. The nurse is going to get a low dose of morphine."

Everything else seems to be going well, she is eating, taking fluids, moving around, talking, etc.

I am over joyed that she should be coming home tomorrow!

Tuesday Midday

Mom will (most likely) be discharged tomorrow and Dad will be bringing her home!

Thank you for all of the prayers!

Tuesday Lunchtime

Here is an email update from dad:
"I have been giving her water and orange juice all morning (to keep her fluid intake up)  along with eating most of her oatmeal and bacon. I just walked her to the bathroom and she did well. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's quite a 'big step'.  I've got to get her up and walking every hour or so in order to build up strength.  With major trauma to the head, all she wants to do is lie in bed and sleep. The therapist said to keep her in the chair as much as possible and get her up for walks"

Tuesday Morning

At around 1:30 am this morning, they moved mom out of ICU and into a private room! YAY
Her last CT scan (which was last night I believe) is consistent with the previous ones, so that is good news.
Today's goal is to get physical therapy up here so that mom can try and move around and possibly walk a little.
She is still sleeping majority of the day. They have also taken all of the tubes out of her arms so that she can try and be more dependent on her mouth for medicine.
If mom can walk some, eat and keep down a meal, and continue her bodily functions then it is possible she could be released tomorrow afternoon or Thursday morning.

We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers everyone!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Evening

I called Dad earlier and it sounds as though Mom will continue to stay in ICU overnight and hopefully tomorrow will be transferred upstairs to a private room for the remainder of her recovery.
I got to talk to mom on the phone and she sounded pretty good, a little tired, but still good.
Keep your fingers crossed that she can come home on Wednesday!

This is part of an email from dad:

"She will be moved out of ICU to a room when one comes available. Then she will be under observation for 2-3 days and if all goes well, then I can take her home. By the time they get approvals from the receiving Trauma Ctr, The Lake, and a neurologist, she'll be released here. I'd rather her be transported tomorrow, but things are very slow here."

Monday Mid-Day

Dad just spoke with the Case Manager assigned to mom about transferring her to Baton Rouge. Since mom is about to be transferred out of ICU she may be discharged tomorrow or Wednesday. So Dad and the Case Manager need to consult further with the doctors to find out forsure.


Monday Morning

So I talked to Dad this morning and he told me that at 1 am this morning Mom made him go buy her a Diet Dr. Pepper--oh SHE IS BACK!
The physical therapists came to her room and helped her get out of bed--a slow process--to try and get her to move a little bit.
Sometime today Dad will be working with the Case Manager on trying to move mom back to Baton Rouge. Some of the conditions on moving her back to Baton Rouge are that she must go to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital because they have a Trauma Center (which mom is currently in, in New Orleans) and that there must be a Neurologist that is willing to accept her there.
So keep your fingers crossed that we find a neurologist in BR at OLOL Hospital!
I may be going to see mom tonight at the hospital!
More to come later!

The Accident

Saturday afternoon Mom (Susan) was doing the New Orleans Urban Adventure Race when she got her tire wheel stuck in a trolley track and flew off. She suffered a concussion and was brought to the Emergency Room at LSU Interim Hospital. They performed a CT scan that showed a fractured skull, facial fractures, and a fractured elbow.
When Dad (Jerry) and I (Kristen) got there a few hours later around 4 or 5 she was still in the ER and was restless and not very alert of her surroundings.
Later that evening, she was transferred to Trauma Intensive Care Unit (which was upstairs) and has been there since.
On Sunday morning when mom woke up, the nurse said she was asking where her family was. Once we got there we talked with her and she wasn't sure where she was or why she was there. We told her about the race and the accident and some of her memory started to come back about doing the race. The right side of her face was slightly swollen and she was having trouble hearing out of her right ear.
Sunday afternoon Sean, Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Mickey came up to New Orleans to visit mom in the hospital. I left with them yesterday afternoon to head back to Baton Rouge and pick up mom's car and belongings from her teammates house.
Last night dad talked to the ENT Doctor who said that the swelling on her face will go down and that she should be able to hear again after the brain stops swelling and the fluid drains out. Dad also talked to the Head Nurse who said that it is possible that Mom may be able to be transferred back to Baton Rouge and stay in recovery over here.